
GPC Episode 38 - Batman Forever (1995)

The GPC continues the summer of superheroes and celebrating the return of Superman by watching a Batman movie!  

What happens when a studio wants to reboot a franchise before that was even a thing?  You get sequels like Batman Forever!

At least it's not Batman & Robin though, right?


GPC Episode 37 - Live Free or Die Hard (2007)

Happy Fourth of July, let's celebrate with the amazing fun action-packed Live Free or Die Hard!

Spoiler alert: I LOVE this movie!  For some reason people hate on this one quite a bit, and I think I figured out why.  But I'm not going to tell you why HERE in this text box, you've got to watch to find out!

Yippie ki yay guilty pleasure!  OK even I'll admit that was a stretch...


GPC Episode 36 - Green Lantern (2011)

In Guiltiest Day, in Pleasurest Night, no cinema shall escape... ok maybe I should stop there cause that sounds really dirty!

The GPC returns with DC's attempt to launch its own movieverse, Green Lantern!

Originally planned as a TTOCS I moved this to a full episode because it clearly deserves it for everything it tried, both good and bad, and what it has become.

Let's watch Ryan Reynolds be a green space cop while he fights a man in a wheelchair and spacepoop!


GPC Episode 35 - Judge Dredd (1995)

The GPC returns with episode 35 reviewing something I never thought I'd review, Judge Dredd!  Yes, the 1995 Sylvester Stallone movie that the Nostalgia Critic reviewed definitively!  Why did I review it?  Because if you're looking at guilty pleasures you just cannot ignore this one.

So come join me and hey you know those guys at the Morbidly Made that I keep mentioning, John and Mike, and how I often appear on their awesome podcast?  They came on board as well to help out!

But enough of talk, I AM DUH LAW!


Isle of Rangoon: Under the Table: Rangoon in June

More from the Isle!  A bit of behind the scenes and when you're talking puppeteering that's always fun!