Entries in superheroes (20)


Guilty Pleasures Cinema 101 - Man of Steel (2013)

The GPC enters year five and I don't know where my Dad is after GPC 100...  so I'm touching base with someone who promises, and I quote, "I WILL FIND HIM!"

Also there's some people fighting so I take a look at where that all started from: Man of Steel!



Guilty Pleasures Cinema 100 - Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Welcome one and all to the 100th episode and 4th anniversary of the Guilty Pleasures Cinema!  Celebrating the movies you're embarrassed to love!

For this momentous occasion we take a look at the guilty pleasure that is king of the guilty pleasures, Guardians of the Galaxy!   Marvel's 10th movie and huge 2014 hit is a guilty pleasure?  Well of course it is, why...  well to know why you'll just have to watch!

Super big amazing awesome thank yous to everyone involved at any point over the past four years, from having me as cameos or joining me here on mine, or just supporting the show and most importantly having fun while doing it!  The GPC is small and back when I made episode 1 I called it 001 thinking someday I'll hit 100, and here we are!

From cameos and friends and antagonists and just showing up to be silly, friends and family and all the newcomers the GPC has brought makes it all worthwhile.

So come and watch the fourth anniversary and as always, stay through the credits...  it IS a Marvel movie I'm reviewing afterall!

Joining me on this are Cinna Sidibe, Jordyn McDowell, Shauna Kosoris, Jennifer White and a whole host of others:

David Green of Komodo Music - www.youtube.com/komodomusicdjs

Sunny Jim and Starchibald of The Isle of Rangoon - www.isleofrangoon.com

John Rhoades of Drive-In Radio on Facebook

Cthullian of Triskaidekafiles - www.triskaidekafiles.com

Matt Zion of Wreckless Eating - www.youtube.com/wrecklesseating

Thrand & Eldgrim - www.youtube.com/thegnthrand

Midnight Corey - www.midnightcorey.com

Michael J formerly of The Morbidly Made




Guilty Pleasures Cinema 088 - Fantastic Four (2005)

LOST EPISODE - The Guilty Pleasures Cinema returns to the summer of 2015 before time was broken and reviews the original Fantastic Four from Fox.

Come check out the movie people now call "the good one!"

The Countdown to 100 is on!



GPC Episode 59 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

The GPC returns as X-Men Month continues!

The research into not being dead brought some success with regeneration, so delving deeper into the origin of the X-Men's Wolverine is the way to go, with X-Men Origins: Wolverine!

How does the franchise fare in its shift from the Last Stand low point to a solo action movie?  Come and find out!


GPC Episode 58 - X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

The GPC returns with another summer of superheroes, and the start of X-Men Month!  First up is the third film in the franchise, X-Men: The Last Stand!

Does it hold up to the lofty expectations of its two predecessors or does it suffer from superhero sequelitis?  Is Brett Ratner a fair trade for Bryan Singer?  Do they screw up the Dark Phoenix Saga?

Odds are you already know the answers, BUT as always I dig deep to show you the good and, yeah, this one is literally good AND bad like some sort of mutant...  Perfect!

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