Entries in gpc (153)


GPC Episode 75 - Elektra (2005)

The GPC returns as the Quest to Not Be Dead continues, the past was handled and now it's the current, with the Jennifer Garner superhero action movie Elektra!

How does the Daredevil spinoff/sequel fare ten years later?  About as well as it did back in 2005.

That's not saying much.

The Third Anniversary Countdown continues, three to go!


Status of the Cinema - January 18 2015

An update on the GPC and all its shows, including the new Box Officer and highlighting Thrand and Elgrim's special.


GPC Episode 74 - I, Frankenstein (2014)

The GPC returns by storming 2015 with the celebration of the one year anniversary for the theatrical release of I, Frankenstein!

Yes a movie many called the worst ever is one of my most anticipated to review, and is the first of Santa's 3 that I need to review to not be dead.

That's still a thing.

So come and check out a movie where the guys who made Underworld have Frankenstein's monster fighting gargoyles and demons! Did you read that sentence? Yes? Then you know why this is going to be awesome!


GPC Episode 73 - Die Hard (1988)

MERRY CHRISTMAS from the GPC!  We are celebrating with a true Christmas classic, as I promised I would last year!  So join me as I show Santa Claus the greatest Christmas movie of all time, Die Hard!

Did you expect something else?


GPC Episode 71 - The Crow: Salvation (2000)

The GPC returns to continue setting the wrong things right, with the third Crow movie.

The first was amazing, the second a trainwreck. How's three?


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