Entries in gpc (153)


GPC Episode 65 - The Expendables (2010)

The GPC returns with a movie tailor made for it, The Expendables! All the action greats of the 80s and 90s and then some are here, with a few omissions, in a movie that takes way to long to get to the good stuff, but when it does... well watch and find out!

Celebrate the release of The Expendables 3 with the original!


GPC Episode 64 - Get Smart (2008)

ROCK MONTH 2 concludes with the big screen version of Get Smart!

Will The Scott and the GPC survive?


Status of the Cinema - July 26 2014

I haven't done a vlog in a while, and there's lots to talk about, from crossovers and new shows to joining Wreckless Eating and a TGWTG rejection, I figured it's time to catch things up to date.


GPC Episode 63 - Doom (2005)

FINALLY The Scott has returned to the GPC as ROCK MONTH 2 continues!

And this isn't just any review, this is Doom!  Often heralded as THE single worst video game movie of all time!

Is it?  And if it is, can The Rock and Karl Urban save it?

Come and find out!


GPC Episode 62 - Planet 51 (2009)

FINALLY Rock Month has come back to the GPC, with Rock Month 2!  That's right, The Scott is celebrating three more movies starring The Rock all month long at the Guilty Pleasures Cinema, starting with the underrated animated astronaut comedy Planet 51!

Come join The Rate One as he goes one on one with The Indicator!

Special thanks to guest scientific advisors (and voices) from The Isle of Rangoon too!

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